Secular Alliance Meeting
- Meeting started at 7:00 p.m.
- The agenda for this meeting went as follow:
- Elections
- Debate (BSU)
- Cool SSA swag!
- Homecoming
- New Business
- Elections
- President - Sarah is the new president
- Vice President - Nick is the new vice president
- Treasury - Daniel is the new treasurer
- Secretary - Derrick is the new secretary
- C.S. (Community Service Director) - Casey is the new committee substitute
- P.R. (Public Relations) - Mark is now involved in public relations
- Historian - Laura is now involved as the new historian
- Events: Debate
- The event will be a debate between Secular Alliance and the BSU
- Ice cream will be included for this social gathering
- The date for this will be September 13 at 8:00 or 9:00 p.m.
- Secular Alliance Booth
There will be another booth set up on Thursday, September 8th as well
- The objective is to pass out things relating to the Secular Alliance and information on what an Atheist or a nonbeliever is
- Homecoming
- Secular Alliance needs ideas for a possible float to use in Homecoming
- Next meeting will be September 14th at 7:00 p.m. in Horace Mann, room 228
- Free Thought Convention
It will be $69.00 for student and $31.00 for the hotel
- Meeting was ajourned at 7:43 p.m.
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