Please click here to sign up for your shirt!
We need to order at least 20 shirts to make them $15 a piece. If you do not want to sign up online, contact me, and I will sign you up on the paper sign up sheet. So far we have about 9 people signed up. Pretty good for 2 days. I'm also going to get some fliers up around campus. It would be awesome if we could hit more than 20 by February 29th. Share them on your facebook. I would be willing to ship them if needed (for friends who live far away).
In other news. . . .Darwin Day! We are having a mock anti-evolution protest with science about faux science, the FSM, and Russell's teapot. I will be contacting everyone to find volunteers for Monday. If I do not have your contact information, but you would like to participate, please e-mail me! We will also have a table set up with information about our protest and group. Pictures will be taken! It's probably going to be cold, so dress warm. We will be meeting in front of the chapel at 11-12 and then again from 2-3. There will be birthday cake.
Thanks guys! Let's kick the semester off with a ruckus.